Conference Day One
Wednesday, May 29 2024

8:15 am Check-In & Coffee

9:15 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Standardization of Lab Operations Roles & Training

9:30 am Understanding Balancing Risks & Opportunities of Your Lab Requirements Between Short to Long-Term


  • Highlighting communication gaps and role criticalities that are holding you back from achieving all lab requirements
  • Analyzing the available tools and strategies to assess risks and gaps for improvement
  • Discussing task prioritization in such a volatile market and fast moving role while ensuring long-term success

10:00 am Fireside Chat: Building Effective & Evolving Training Schemes Within Lab Operations Roles


  • Highlighting the differences across different lab facilities and where gaps still lie in training
  • Developing individuals through effective communication of skills and techniques
  • Creating systems to ensure consistency and room for constant development

10:35 am Morning Refreshments & Speed Networking


Join this speed networking session to break the ice and build meaningful connections with your peers, who are sharing the same daily challenges. This is the opportunity to spark conversations to tackle them together, and expand your lab operations network!

Balancing Between OPEX & CAPEX for Capital Efficiency & Pipeline Progression

11:35 am Introduction to My Green Lab Certification


  • My Green Lab Certification assesses laboratory operations to gauge environmental impact, focusing on energy, water, waste, chemical management, etc.
  • Laboratories undergo rigorous evaluation against industry benchmarks to measure their sustainability performance and identify areas for improvement
  • Case study exemplifies 4.3x ROI from energy savings using My Green Lab Certification

11:45 am Improving Asset Maintenance Strategies in a Cost-Effective Way


  • Discussing strategies to maintain cost efficient in the business and creating longstanding plans
  • Allocating funds to the best areas for success and prioritization
  • Building platforms for decision making and clarity between teams

12:15 pm Lunch & Networking

Maximizing Your R&D Asset Utilization & Capital Efficiency

1:15 pm Unlocking Value through Data-Driven Strategies

  • Timothy Baxter Marketing Product Manager, CrossLab Asset Monitoring, Agilent


  • Where to Focus
  • How to Get There

1:45 pm Introducing Automation to Your Lab’s Asset Management System To Maximize Inventory Tracking & Maintenance


  • Exploring digital transformations to keep up-to-date with inventory and changing maintenance schedules
  • Creating more time and cost-effective asset management to better prioritize day-to-day tasks
  • Ensuring a smooth shift from manual to digital asset management, which is clearly communicated

2:15 pm Stop Wasting Resources: How to Improve Research & Preserve Capital


  • Rethink equipment failures and discover how the “inconsequential” loss of samples can translate into monetary and scientific setbacks
  • Monitoring can safeguard against the incalculable loss of valuable assets and research integrity
  • Learn why using cheap sensors and non-expert monitoring can jeopardize your lab and compromise critical research and reputation

2:30 pm Afternoon Refreshments & Networking

3:00 pm Roundtable Discussion: Building Flexible & Sustainable Expansion Lab Designs To Optimize Use of Space While Marinating Vendor Relationships


  • Identifying top demands for expansion planning to ensure lab operations are optimized
  • Ensuring all requirements and regulations are met to future-proof your design for a constantly changing environment
  • Successfully designing MEP and utility management to support your growing facility

3:45 pm Lab Relocation – Decision Making, Planning & Project Management


  • Developing best strategies to ensure an efficient relocation
  • Proactively engaging stakeholders and coordinating their involvement throughout the project
  • Confidently leading your company through the relocation itself

4:15 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

4:30 pm Drinks Reception


Reflect on your learnings from conference day one and connect with like-minded operations individuals with a drink on us

5:30 pm End of Conference Day One